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You know, this game is great, take your time to make the new date. We won’t hurry you up anymore. 



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Last Christmas you gave me update…


But the very next day, they took it away :,(

Has the update been delayed?


Yeah, a lot of lines to record


For the future. Never. I'm serious. NEVER. Don't talk about deadlines. In my experience, in such projects, the creator either burns out or starts to shits even more because of the pressure.
I like your work btw.

Ok, thank you for answering my question.

should be this next week?


Any chance to translate the game to other language? i can do that to portuguese


Hey! Your game is great and I'm really looking forward to the next update! :)
The voice acting is some of the best I've seen in a game like this.


Do you think you'll add other types of vore?


can we eventually turn the tables and eat her!? i really wanna!

just wondering how long until the second date is gonna come out ruffly


Aprox 2 weeks!

thanks mate


Yeah, 2 weeks.


Aprox :P


Patience, young padawan.


Waiting for the second date. x4


Dude. Patience.


Waiting for the second date. x3


Waiting for the second date. x2


Waiting for the second date. x1


good game


when should the second date be finished if you know


In around 2 months! Will be twice as long as the current game.

Oh ok thanks for letting me know btw I love this game it’s good

Is the second date already in development or have you not been able to start on it yet?


It is!

awesome and thanks for answering my question.

This is one of the best dating sim i have play (no many but still better than the ones i did buy) when do you think we will get an update man

make the next one have a unbirth vore ending

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this is nice a lot of visual novel go really hard on the novel part with less game but this is nice and would love a sequal



Lost me at all the alternative vore shit.


I loved it and I think this game could be great! Please continue on this game and maybe add more types of vore when you reach the second date or something. And maybe if you wanted add futa option and sex scenes I think all that would make this game more known and a 10/10!


I would gladly see subsequent dates, especially if one resulted in seeing Cristina in action from the outside. The voice acting is extremely well done and the casual mood sounds perfect for the scenarios. Can't wait to see more.


honestly as a person of prey and wished I could review on Aryion I think this game is amazing while the story may seem basic it’s originality with a voice acting character that voices it’s dialogue to the t. Bravo my friend would love to see this go for a few more dates if you have idea trouble I have loads of thoughts that would extend the game. Only critique is if you could add a picture where it shows her belly full of you. And maybe some more conversation from Cristina maybe like more degrading stuff and teasing i think that would add a lot for Cristina’s character especially since it seems she a dom prey. Anyway this is easily one of my favorite vore games easily top 3. Please update 


One of the best vore games I have played in a long time


The vore itself is okay at the moment, and the optional disposal stuff practically nonexistent, but holy shit the writing?? The VOICE ACTING??? Incredible. This has heaps of potential, I hope you keep expanding and adding to it. All it needs is player pred options to be a perfect game for me, but even if that never happens this is seriously good.


Shows promise, can't wait to see what is next! 

I'm more pred leaning myself which is why I wasn't disappointed with my ending, but I would have done pretty well with her if I got to the survival end right away.


Genuinely some of the best, if not outright the best, VA I've heard in a porn game. Let alone one focused on vore and currently free. The ability to go right into vore is nice, and the wholesome route of a nice date is really sweet. 

As for criticisms, I think the vore is actually the weakest part of the entire thing. It's lacking in description and is very, very short. The writing as a whole is rather succinct and lacking in extra detail or flair, mainly just getting the point across. It sadly does boil down to "Emotionless player goes on date". We see very little personality from Cristina, other than that she is a bit of a nerd girl. 

For a 0.1 release, it's a great start, but I definitely think it could be improved. Not just expanded, but rewritten with a bit more time put into it. Make her feel a bit less two dimensional, maybe add in some slightly meaningless options that let the player both feel more engaged and also get more responses from your date, and so on. 

That all said and done, fantastic work. One of very few porn VNs I actually took the time to read rather than just skipping through. 


I must say it is great. It is quite diverse, has nice dialogue and voice acting is actually something believable (I apologise if it sounds pessimistic, I just can't stand bad voice acting and there is a lot of it out there, so this game actually pleasantly amazes me: most of the time actors don't even try, and here it is decent).

The choices are also quite intuitive and, as far as I understand, one might survive a date even without getting perfect score by saying "no" to her offer, so it is also not too punishing: it might be harder to get a game over then to get a good ending.

I do wish this story gets expanded. I hope you have a lot of fun working on it!


Neat, keep up the good work


My man pls continue the game I absolutely love Cristina from before the game on Ekas and I hope to encorage you to continue the game and yours post in ekas and on a side note I would love to tip this one project so were do I deposit a humbble contribution?




Great game! you should continue with it


Great short story!
Can´t wait for the second date, espacially after finding the perfect ending.
I think it´s really nice to see that there is an extra ending for doing everything "right" ^^


That's a ten.


Cant wait for more to come!


This was really fun and cute for a short little romp! The voice acting was a nice touch - it was especially cute in any of the scenes she talked while you were in her tummy. Would not mind more of it!